

时间:2023-03-04 11:10:03 来源:文池范文网

英语carryoff用中文怎么样翻译1  英[ˈkæriɔf] 美[ˈkæriɔf]  carryoff基本解释  抢走;完成;成功地对付;赢得  carryoff相关例句  ph.  1.Chol下面是小编为大家整理的2023年英语carry,off用中文怎么样翻译,菁选2篇(完整),供大家参考。


英语carry off用中文怎么样翻译1

  英 [ˈkæri ɔf] 美 [ˈkæri ɔf]

  carry off 基本解释

  抢走; 完成; 成功地对付; 赢得

  carry off 相关例句


  1. Cholera carried him off that year.


  2. John carried off all the prizes in the contest.


英语carry off用中文怎么样翻译2

  1. Our experience shows that very few companies can painlessly carry off a merger or an acquisition.

  2. The attack struck at the heart of Afghanistan"s intelligence service and underscored the Taliban"s increasing ability to carry off complex and targeted attacks.

  3. Like ants, workers dismantle the huge ships and carry them off piece by piece.

  4. Her desire to carry on skating has forced her to put off plans to start a family.

  5. Carry trades further weaken the yen as traders sell off the currency.

  6. The teachers carry the students on their backs to stop them from falling off the ladder.

  7. Israel has threatened to carry out a major reprisal, but has so far held off to give Abbas time to take action against militants.

  8. Vietnam said Friday its Navy would carry out two exercises totaling nine hours Monday in an area off the country"s central Quang Nam province.

  9. They closed off sections of the roads to carry out rescue operation.





