

时间:2022-08-28 11:00:02 来源:文池范文网





 组 专 题 Part one:

 动词短语 基本要点:

 动词常与介词和副词、 形容词、 名词搭配在一起, 构成短语动词。


 I、 动词+介词(at, for, after, on, to, with, of, from, in, into, through, about 等)


 They finally agreed on the plan.

 This job calls for skills and patience.

 The bank was broken into last night.

 We’ll think about it. II、 动词+副词(up, off, out, away, on, in, over, down, about,round/around 等)构成的词组 1. 一部分为不及物动词短语, 不能直接加宾语,



 break out, come about, come out

 2. 一部分为及物的动词短语, 其宾语如果是名词, 可前可后; 若是代词, 则只能放在当中。

 You can call your teacher up=You can call up your teacher

 You can call him up.

  We’ll think it over.

  III. 动词+副词+介词: 相当于及物动词

  We must make up for the lost time. 我们必须弥补失去的时间。

 Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得除掉我的习惯?

  IV. 动词+名词 / (反身)代词+介词: 相当于一及物动词

  He never helps me without trying to take advantage of me. ( 利用)

 In school, I often take charge of various activities. (负责 / 管理)

 一、 常见介词、 副词与常用动词构成的短语动词 1. V+about(介词:


 皆为及物短语动词 ask / inquire about: 询问…的情况

 care about: 在乎;/介意;关注


 about/over 为…争论/争吵 argue about/over 为…争论/ /辩论

  debate about /on 为/关于…辩论

 discuss about 讨论, 议论 worry about:


 concern about:关心, 挂念

 know/learn about:了解

  read about:读知, 阅后得知

 talk about:谈论

 hear about:听说(=hear of)

 complain about(抱怨/投诉)

  bring about 带来, 造成

  think about:考虑

 speak about:谈到, 谈论(=speak of)

 set about doing sth 着手做某事

  do sth about...想办法/采取措施解决... V+about(副词:到处/四周):

 皆为不及物短语动词 walk/go about:四处走动

 move about:四处走,经常搬家

  wander about:漫步/徘徊

 hang about :闲荡

  come about : 发生

  look about/around:环顾;(商店中)四处看 2. V+across(介词或副词)

  come across...:偶遇(=come upon)

 run across...:偶然发现/碰到

  cut across: 抄近路穿过/横越; 影响

  put /get(…) across to sb: 解释/传达, 使某人明白…

 It took me an hour to get my intention across to her.

 3. V+after(介词) be after:寻求,寻找, 追求

  go/run/chase after:追赶/逐

  look after:照顾

 take after: 长得像;学某人的样

  ask after:探问/询问

 name... after...:以…名字命名...

  4. V+along

 come along 跟着一起来 Will you come along with me?

 进展/进步 She is coming along nicely after the operation.


 along 把…带来/去

  get along /on 相处; 进展

 get along/on with sb/sth 与某人相处; 在...进展 5. V+against(介词):

 argaue against:(发表意见)


  be against:反对

  fight/struggle against:与…做斗争 go against:违背, 反对; 对...不利 The case might go against him.

 He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned.

  turn against:背叛; 对…采取敌对态度 . Even those who are once for him begin to turn against him.

  warn against: 警告不要, 提醒提防

 I would warn against such an adventure prevent /guard / provide against 预防 We have to provide against accidents.

  These rules can prevent /guard against accidents.

  6 V+ apart(副词或形容词: 分别/分开的) take apart 拆开;剖析

  tear apart:扯/拆开,使心碎

  tell …apart:分别/区别 set apart:区别, 突出

  fall/come apart: 瓦解/崩溃 7. V+ round(副词)

 get round 传开来; 四处走动 It was not long before the news got round that Tracey was dating James. get sb round: 说服某人 He is determined and won’t give in—see if you can get him round

 get round to( doing) sth: 终于去做/找到时间做

 I haven’t even got round to unpacking from my holiday yet. come round:恢复/苏醒 Pour some water on his face he"ll soon come round.

  Don"t scold the boy; he"ll come round in time.

  改变意见 She will never come round (to our way of thinking). (非正式的)来访, 到来; 绕道

 Come round when you have time.

 Christmas will soon come round.

 bring.. round/around(to...): 使某人恢复知觉 We managed to bring her round with some smelling salt. 说服某人改变想法 Bring him round to our point of view


 He brought the discussion round to football. 8. V+aside(在一边,另外)

 put/leave/set…aside:留出/拨出以备专用; 撇开/搁置一边不考虑

  lay aside:暂放一边

 throw aside:抛弃 aside from = besides


 9. V+as(介词:

 充当/作为) serve as:充当, 用作

 act as: 扮演, 充当

  work as: 充当,担任…工作

  function as:充当(…功能)

 10. V+at(介词)

 shout /yell at:对…叫喊

 knock at:敲

 laugh at:嘲笑

  fly at:扑向

  point at:指向/着, 对准

 come at:袭击,达到

  go at:扑向,尽力干

  catch at:想抓住,渴望 shoot/fire at:向…开火

 aim at 旨在; 瞄准; 企图

 target at 把…瞄准…

  attempt at 尝试/企图; 努力

 look at:看

 stare at:盯着看;凝视

  glare at:怒视

 glance at 瞥见, 看一下(浏览)

 call at sp:访问某地

  drop in at sp 顺便走访某地

  arrive at:

 到达; 达成 arrive at conclusion/agreement work at:从事,钻研

  wonder at:对…惊奇

 estimate at: 估计

  11.V+ away(副词) put away: 放好/收好; 储存备用;舍弃

  give away:赠送, 分送; 泄露

  turn away:解雇; 把…打发走 send away:驱逐,解雇

 clear away:清除, 移走

  wear away: 磨掉,(时间)消逝 throw away:扔掉,抛弃

  take away:拿走

 smooth away:克服, 消除

 pass away:去世/逝世

  go away:走开,离开

  die away(风/声音)渐息/渐弱;(树木)凋零/枯萎 12. V+ back(副词) keep back:阻挡; 隐瞒;扣留

  hold back:忍住, 抑制住

  bring back: 拿回; 使…回想起, 使恢复 take back:带回; 撤销/收回(说的话)

 give back:归还;反射(光等)

  get back 找回/取回;回来

 call back:回电,召回处理

 answer back:回嘴

  pay back:偿还, 向…报复, 回报

 13. V+by(介词或副词):

 go by 路过某地; 时间过去

 pass by 经过某地; (时间)逝去

 stand by 旁观(=look on);准备行动; 支持/忠于某人;坚持/遵守

 14.V+ down(介词或副词) turn down:调低(音量等);拒绝某人

 let sb down 使某人失望

 put down:

 放下, 记下, 镇压 note / put / take down:记下

 take down 取下; 记下; 拆卸

  tear/pull down 拆毁

 break down: 出毛病;破裂;崩溃; 分解

  burn down 烧毁

  cut down: 削减, 减少; 杀死, 砍倒 keep down 压制; 控制, 缩减开支

 hold down 压制; 抑制(热情等) 缩减

  slow down 使慢下来,减缓 knock down 击/撞倒;拆除;使降价

 bring down 使降落/下降,降价

 go down:下降, 减少; 沉没 go down with 生…病

  lay down:放下, 铺设

  hand down:传递, 遗传下来 pass down: 传下来

  fall down 落下; 跌到; 倒塌; 失败; 证明是不行的

 die down:渐熄 calm down 平静/镇定下来

 settle down 定居;平静下来

 settle down to 安定下来专心于

 get down: 从…下来;下车;写下;使沮丧

 get down to 开始认真做, 着手做

 15.V+for(介词) make for:向…前进; 有利于/促进

  head for 驶向,走向

  set sail for /set off for 向某地驶去/出发 leave for 动身去某地

  look for:寻找

  hunt for 搜索, 寻找 call for:需要/要求; 提倡; 邀约/约请(call for sb)

  wait for:等待

  care for 喜欢,关心

  apply for 请求/申请

 answer for 对…负责

 be to blame for... 应对...负责

 pay for 偿还, 赔偿

  stand for 代表, 意味着, 主张, 支持

  send for 派人去请某人

  go for: 袭击; 适用于; 想要获得; 喜爱

  ask for:要求/要; 找某人(ask for sb)

 run for 竞选

 praise/punish/scold sb for...因..赞扬/惩罚/责骂 sb

  account for 是…的原因;解释;占据

  allow for:考虑到; 顾及 arrange for: 安排

  struggle/fight for:为…而斗争

  fall for:迷恋/对…倾心; 上某人的当 hope/wish /long for sth:希望/渴望

  be dying/eager/thirty for...渴望 16. V+forward(副词)

 bring forward:提出; 将…提前

  put forward 提出; 促进; 将钟拔前

  push forward:推进/继续进行

 Look forward:展望未来

 look forward to (doing) sth 盼望, 期待

 carry forward:推进;发扬

 17. V+from(介词):

 learn from:向…学习

 suffer from:遭受/忍受

  recover from:康复/恢复 hear from (~sb):收到某人信;有某人的消息

 die from 死于…

 result from 由…引起 rise from 由…引起/带来

  differ from=vary from 与…不同

  benefit from 得益于 date from:始于 =date back to

  originate from:起源于

  tell /distinguish...from...把...和...区别开来 18. V+in(介词或副词)) succeed in(doing) sth 在…成功

 fail in 在…失败; 在…不足/疏忽

 believe in 信任, 信仰;相信…存在 lie in 在于

  result in 造成/引起

  let in 让…进入; 放…出来

 take in 接受/吸/纳; 理解, 领会; 欺骗某人

 bring in 引进; 挣得(钱报酬等); 生产/ 收获

  get in 进入; 收获/收割; 插入(话)

 break in 闯入;打断/插话(不及物)

 burst in 闯入;打断(不及物)

  cut in 插嘴, 插入超车 turn in 交还/上交; 检举/告发(~oneself自首); 睡觉, 向内拐

 draw in:收网

 check in 登记, 报到

 give in 屈服/让步(give in to sb/sth)

  pull in 车子进站;靠边停下(=pull over)

 hand in 上交

  drop in 顺便走访(drop in on sb / at sp)

 bring in 挣得/赚;引进;生产

 send in 呈报, 递送, 提 call in 召集/请来, 回收

  end in...:以…告终

 share in:分担

 compete in:参加…(竞争)

  join in:参加

 participate in:参加

 take part in 参加

  fill in:填写

 involve... in:...使...卷入...

  19. V+into(介词) get into 进入,卷入

 look into 窥视/观察; 调查

  inquire into:


 cut into 侵犯, 打断

  break into 闯入;打断

  burst into 闯入,突然…起来(~tears/laughters)

 dive into 潜入;钻研

 knock/run into 偶然碰到某人






