

时间:2023-02-22 17:15:05 来源:文池范文网

ontheinside的汉语翻译是什么1  英[ɔnðəinˈsaid] 美[ɑnðiɪnˈsaɪd]  ontheinside基本解释  处于集团[组织]内部因而知内情;使用内车道ontheins下面是小编为大家整理的on,the,inside汉语翻译是什么3篇,供大家参考。


on the inside的汉语翻译是什么1

  英 [ɔn ðə inˈsaid] 美 [ɑn ði ɪnˈsaɪd]

  on the inside 基本解释

  处于集团[组织]内部因而知内情; 使用内车道

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. The reporter who posted the story claimed it was based on inside information and actually was intended to bust the elopement myth.

  2. Searching his home again on Wednesday, the police discovered the small hole by chance and found Feng inside.

  3. Opposition deputies brought proceedings to a halt inside the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday, when they staged an action against the bill about the basics of the language policy.

  4. One man travelling on the plane said the passengers were stuck inside the aircraft and cabin crew took a long time to open emergency doors.

  5. On the accompanying audio discs, you can hear the shake of ice inside a drinking glass.

  6. Officers on Nov 22 checked a cargo shipment declared to contain 40 speakers from Singapore and found the drugs concealed inside them.

  7. You just need to slip the right fare into the cash box inside the front gate of the bus when you get on it.

  8. The Chinese traditional medical treatment of acupuncture or piercing the body with a needle is a treatment which focuses on the inside from the outside.

  9. That proved a pivotal decision as the game turned on its head inside three minutes with Marshall again Celtic"s inspiration.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇扩展阅读

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展1)

——I dare say的汉语翻译是什么3篇

I dare say的汉语翻译是什么1

  [ai dɛə sei]

  I dare say 基本解释


  I dare say 相关例句


  1. There"s something wrong with the TV set, I dare say.


I dare say的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. I dare say that every bus conductor in the city - perhaps even the country - used an identical device back then.

  2. In a similar way you can look at it from, dare I say a Chinese approach of ordering less quantity and more flavorful dishes.

  3. I dare say that people who support increasing the price of electricity must be relatives of those who work in these power plants.

  4. I do not dare to say what influence I have brought to audiences on the mainland.

  5. I dare say this principle is hard as steel and relentless as the burning sun.

  6. " I dare say the president"s very actively engaged in this, " Snow said.

  7. I dare say thousands of compatriots across the Straits share the same sorrow.

  8. I dare say, it is the worst day of the year for married man with a mistress.

  9. I dare not say it"s the best nation, but it"s certainly the easiest to govern.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展2)

——as it were的汉语翻译是什么3篇

as it were的汉语翻译是什么1

  英 [æz it wɜ:] 美 [æz ɪt wə:]

  as it were 基本解释

  可以说; 在某种程度上

as it were的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. Fan also said it was a good time to buy shares in the top Chinese portal as its share prices were low.

  2. Netanyahu told them any country would act in self defense if it were targeted by thousands of rockets as Israel has been by Gaza militants.

  3. The IT products were transported by air from China to Cambodia on June 4, as part of the inauguration of the National Assembly"s new office building.

  4. By all appearances its forces were following a methodical campaign of strikes, even as it tried to win the propaganda war.

  5. Entrepreneurs in the IT and software businesses were the most confident, followed by those from the retail and wholesale trade as well as the construction sector.

  6. The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all identified as being reservists, but it was not clear how many were still involved in active military duty.

  7. I think the players did a good job in extracting as much as they were going to extract from ownership it seems.

  8. She has been reported as saying it was harmful to young girls if they tried to emulate catwalk stars who were too thin.

  9. The Japanese official denied it was organ trade as none of the patients had paid their organ donors and no introduction charges were paid.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展3)

——move about的汉语翻译是什么3篇

move about的汉语翻译是什么1

  英 [mu:v əˈbaut] 美 [muv əˈbaʊt]


  不停地走动,到处旅行,到处活动; 游动



  1. She moved about a lot.


move about的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. The wood puppets are colorfully painted as popular cartoon images and have been rigged with strings so they can move about.

  2. People move around, chatting casually about many topics with native English speakers to improve their language skills.

  3. While many experts have welcomed the move to make acupuncture available on the NHS, some are still sceptical about its effectiveness.

  4. These developments also helped the company move from a net loss before the change to about 20 million yuan in annual profits.

  5. The move demonstrated the government"s increasing concern about rapid price hikes and its determination to keep inflation in check.

  6. The move by Chavez brings relations with Washington to a new low and raises questions about whether the diplomatic clash could eventually hurt trade.

  7. The move sent a clear signal that the government is serious about restraining bank lending.

  8. New Delhi and Washington are also concerned about Pakistan"s growing ties with China, which could move them even closer as they assess their next steps.

  9. They move many key functions to China to demonstrate their focus on the market, but do not prepare adequately or lack knowledge about the market.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展4)



  英 [ɪkˈskɜ:ʃn] 美 [ɪkˈskɜ:rʒn]


  名词 (尤指集体)远足; 短途旅行,游览; 离题; [机]冲程



  1. We went on an excursion to the city.


  2. Your comments are an excursion from the major theme.


  3. We took the weekend excursion to the seashore.


  4. We are planning for our excursion next week.



  1. " That does not mean an excursion organized for commercial purposes will always make a profit, " she said.

  2. But if you consider it as a spring excursion, it is nearer than any other scenic sites on the outskirts of the city.

  3. A couple of simple seafood restaurants and convenience shops near the ferry pier provide a welcome break at the end of your excursion.

  4. Most visitors start their outdoor excursion at Xuanwu Lake, a favorite with locals because of its convenient location and picturesque scenery.

  5. A group of 21 visually impaired Chinese joined an excursion into the desert in a project to involve more disabled people in outdoor activities.

  6. If you happen to find yourself around the big city do take some time for this nice excursion into CHANEL"s universe.

  7. The government has perfectly planned hiking and bicycle excursion routes, as well as unique water borne experiences and an ecological villa tour.

  8. The train stops at the River Kwai Bridge station for an excursion.

  9. If the trip goes ahead it would be the princess"first official excursion since she was hospitalised with shingles in December last year.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展5)



  英 [ˈhedbænd] 美 [ˈhɛdˌbænd]



  名词 (扎在额头上的`)束发带,扎头带


  1. Socrates wore a headband reading, " People need justice " while the national anthem played.

  2. Both returned, with Barry sporting a giant bandage held on by a headband.

  3. Ben Wallace caused a stir the following night in New York when he was benched for violating team rules by wearing a headband.

  4. A narrow band or strip of ribbon worn as a headband.


on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展6)



  英 [ʌnˈnesəsəri] 美 [ʌnˈnesəseri]

  unnecessary 基本解释

  形容词 不必要的,多余的; 无用的,无益的.; 无须


  1. That was an unnecessary remark.


  2. All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.



  1. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.

  2. Supporters of the law say the suit was an unnecessary action by the federal government after years of neglecting problems at the border.

  3. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust.

  4. Tsang said senior officials of the Hong Kong government should call off all unnecessary activities to mourn the dead.

  5. Experts have warned Chinese carbon credit sellers to strengthen legal awareness and improve language skills to protect their interests and avoid unnecessary legal dis*s.

  6. It is essential that we protect the environment and ecosystem which has been seriously damaged in some areas by unnecessary human activity.

  7. It told Chinese firms to carry forward with mergers and acquisitions in an active and safe way and avoid unnecessary losses from blind expansion.

  8. But campaigners against the war said Campbell was the first major political casualty of what they termed an illegal and unnecessary conflict.

  9. " I didn"t want yaks to roam into the mining areas and cause unnecessary trouble, " he said.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展7)

——英文at risk的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选3篇)

英文at risk的汉语翻译是什么1

  at risk的汉语解释

  英 [t risk] 美 [t rsk]

  at risk 基本解释


  at risk 相关例句


  1. The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.


  at risk的单语例句

  1. Farmers belonging to no organizations risk buying fake seeds and fertilizers at a higher price.

  2. Some issues raised by MF Global and sovereign debt defaults are already hinting at an expansion of systemic risk.

  3. Critics question whether taxpayers are being put at risk and if expanded safety nets will encourage financial companies to act more recklessly in the future.

  4. People who subscribe to cable or satellite services or have a newer television with a digital tuner are not at risk of losing their programming.

  5. But scientists also have been examining DNA maps to find genes that may also put people at higher cardiovascular risk.

  6. Kong says investment should possibly be secondary when looking at a painting, because " there is always a certain degree of risk in any investment activity ".

  7. The article suggested the exchange will offer risk securitization products, catastrophe bonds and insurance derivatives at a later date.

  8. The aid groups were only challenging provisions that put them at risk of being prosecuted for talking to terrorist organizations about nonviolent activities.

  9. Analysts said Abdullah"s political future remained at risk and the measures announced yesterday did not add up to much.

  at risk的双语例句

  1. If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.


  2. Your use of the service is at your sole risk.


  3. You expressly agree that your use of the service is at your sole risk.


  4. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted via the Service will be at your own risk.


  5. Noncompliance with these requirements put the supplier at the highest risk of violating the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.


英文at risk的汉语翻译是什么2

  at risk

  at risk基本解释


  at risk相关例句和用法

  That would mean putting other children at risk..那将意味着让其他孩子遭受威胁。

  at risk英英释义


英文at risk的汉语翻译是什么3

  1. Farmers belonging to no organizations risk buying fake seeds and fertilizers at a higher price.

  2. Some issues raised by MF Global and sovereign debt defaults are already hinting at an expansion of systemic risk.

  3. Critics question whether taxpayers are being put at risk and if expanded safety nets will encourage financial companies to act more recklessly in the future.

  4. People who subscribe to cable or satellite services or have a newer television with a digital tuner are not at risk of losing their programming.

  5. But scientists also have been examining DNA maps to find genes that may also put people at higher cardiovascular risk.

  6. Kong says investment should possibly be secondary when looking at a painting, because " there is always a certain degree of risk in any investment activity ".

  7. The article suggested the exchange will offer risk securitization products, catastrophe bonds and insurance derivatives at a later date.

  8. The aid groups were only challenging provisions that put them at risk of being prosecuted for talking to terrorist organizations about nonviolent activities.

  9. Analysts said Abdullah"s political future remained at risk and the measures announced yesterday did not add up to much.

on the inside的汉语翻译是什么3篇(扩展8)

——I dare say的汉语翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

I dare say的汉语翻译是什么1

  [ai dɛə sei]

  I dare say 基本解释


  I dare say 相关例句


  1. There"s something wrong with the TV set, I dare say.


I dare say的汉语翻译是什么2

  1. I dare say that every bus conductor in the city - perhaps even the country - used an identical device back then.

  2. In a similar way you can look at it from, dare I say a Chinese approach of ordering less quantity and more flavorful dishes.

  3. I dare say that people who support increasing the price of electricity must be relatives of those who work in these power plants.

  4. I do not dare to say what influence I have brought to audiences on the mainland.

  5. I dare say this principle is hard as steel and relentless as the burning sun.

  6. " I dare say the president"s very actively engaged in this, " Snow said.

  7. I dare say thousands of compatriots across the Straits share the same sorrow.

  8. I dare say, it is the worst day of the year for married man with a mistress.

  9. I dare not say it"s the best nation, but it"s certainly the easiest to govern.





