

时间:2023-02-22 17:10:08 来源:文池范文网

pointofview的中文是什么意思1  英[pɔintɔvvju:] 美[pɔɪntʌvvju]  名词观点  1.观点:根据他在*>(PointofView)节目里阐述的逻辑,布朗对下属不留情下面是小编为大家整理的point,of,view中文是什么意思3篇【完整版】,供大家参考。


point of view的中文是什么意思1

  英 [pɔint ɔv vju:] 美 [pɔɪnt ʌv vju]

  名词 观点

  1. 观点:根据他在*<<观点>>(Point of View)节目里阐述的逻辑,布朗对下属不留情面,恰恰显示他属于头一类人. 在我碰到的所有评论中,最简短的只说,沙马的一番论述跟尔兰作家乔伊斯(James Joyce,1882 - 1941)最后那本小说<<芬尼根守灵>>(Finnegans Wake)差不多,

  2. point of view:pov; 观点,看法〖网语〗

point of view的中文是什么意思2

  1. His point of view was echoed by Xie Dapeng, a leading official of the Party school of the Dehong prefectural commi* of the Party.

  2. " He was actually a very good calligrapher even from my point of view today, " said Xu.

  3. Campion plans to tell the story from Brawne"s point of view.

  4. But Yao saw the format change from a different point of view.

  5. Nor will we convert them to our point of view through force of argument and ideological conviction.

  6. From the government"s point of view, corporate income tax is a cheap and effective way of raising revenue.

  7. This might be termed perfect counterpoint from the point of view of music programming.

  8. It is a world order crisis and depending on one"s point of view it is the sad end or good riddance of an era.

  9. Zhou said he appreciates the design from a professional point of view.

  10. In her point of view, a simple pigtail wouldn"t take a long time to do up.

point of view的中文是什么意思3篇扩展阅读

point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展1)



  英 [pɔɪnt] 美 [pɔɪnt]

  名词 点; 要点; 得分; 标点

  及物动词 (意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路

  不及物动词 指向; 表明


  1. There"s no point in wasting time.


  2. It was a turning point in his career.


  3. Stop at this point.



  1. 罗经(方位)点

  The points of the compass are directions such as North, South, East, and West.

  e.g. Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.


  2. (铁轨的")轨尖,道岔

  On a railway track, the points are the levers and rails at a place where two tracks join or separate. The points enable a train to move from one track to another.

  e.g. ...the rattle of the wheels across the points.


  3. 插座

  A point is an electric socket.

  e.g. ...too far away from the nearest electrical point.


  4. (用手指)指

  If you point at a person or thing, you hold out your finger towards them in order to make someone notice them.

  e.g. I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me...


  e.g. He pointed at me with the stem of his pipe...


  5. 把…对准;使朝向

  If you point something at someone, you aim the tip or end of it towards them.

  e.g. David Khan pointed his finger at Mary...


point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展2)



  英 [pɔɪnt] 美 [pɔɪnt]


  名词 点; 要点; 得分; 标点

  及物动词 (意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路

  不及物动词 指向; 表明



  1. She pointed the pencil for her sister.



  1. The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three.



  1. There"s no point in wasting time.


  2. It was a turning point in his career.


  3. Stop at this point.



  1. 观点;看法;论点

  You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written.

  e.g. We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes...


  e.g. Dave Hill"s article makes the right point about the Taylor Report...


  2. 论据;道理

  If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered.

  e.g. "If he"d already killed once, surely he"d have killed Sarah?" She had a point there...


  e.g. Oh I take your point, John, about that.


  3. 要点;核心问题

  The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest.

  e.g. "Did I ask you to talk to me?" — "That"s not the point."...


  e.g. The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this.


  4. 意义;目的;作用

  If you ask what the point of something is, or say that there is no point in it, you are indicating that a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful.

  e.g. What was the point of thinking about him?...


  e.g. There was no point in staying any longer.


  5. 细节;方面;特性

  A point is a detail, aspect, or quality of something or someone.

  e.g. Many of the points in the report are correct...


  e.g. The most interesting point about the village was its religion...


point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展3)

——英语point的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  名词 点; 要点; 得分; 标点

  及物动词 (意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路

  不及物动词 指向; 表明

  英 [pɔɪnt] 美 [pɔɪnt]



  1. We also point out that very good quality Canned Mushrooms is available in our market from several European manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 5%-10% below yours.


  2. It is currently removable as I m unsure, at this point, if access below will be needed.


  3. You missed the point: His code can"t be taken from him even in death.


  4. It`s a new team, everything is brand new, it`s the first time for Toro Rosso and finally the first point.


  5. Methods According to the dissection features of transverse process and transverse process anteroartery, we point out that should be paid attention to treat No.3 lumbar vertebral transverse process syndrome with loosening therapy.


  6. However, where was to start? Who was to point out a way for me?


  7. In the first chapter, we review the history of ab initio calculations and GW approximation, and point out the merit of GW approximation.


point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展4)

——how are you的中文是什么意思

how are you的中文是什么意思1

  how are you的中文意思

  英[hau ɑ: ju:]

  美[ha e(r) ju]

  [词典] 你好;

  how are you的双语例句

  1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


  2. A:How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  3. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.


  4. How old are you? I"m fifteen.


  5. If you are the creative type, we also have instructions to help you design your own style sheet for the Administration Panels, and even how to turn your


  6. How are you today I`m fine/super/ great /so-so!


  7. How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  how are you的回答


  首先我们要明白“How are you?”的使用情景:

  通常在二人会面时询问,作为打招呼的方式之一,如果你正巧碰到你的朋友正在经历些不好的事,比如他摔了一跤,你就不要使用“How are you?”了~

  除了“How are you?”,还有以下几种打招呼的问法:

  “How are you doing?”

  “What"s up, man?"

  “How was your day?”

  无论以上哪种问法,当你回答近况时,最好不要只学会一句“I am fine thank you,and you?”。


  1.I"m great thanks. Listen,……

  2.I feel amazing,……


  1.Not too bad!

  2.Can"t complain! / Mustn"t grumble!


  1.Pretty bad!



point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展5)



  英 [dɪˈveləpɪŋ] 美 [dɪˈvɛləpɪŋ]


  形容词 开发; 发展中的; 显色; 显像



  A:The last order didn‘t work out too well for us


  B:What was wrong?


  A:We were developing too much waste .


  B:I suggest you go up to our next higher price level.



  1. The way we"ve done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

  2. He said the Renminbi business is developing healthily in Hong Kong, and by the end of April 38 banks in Hong Kong had opened Renminbi business.

  3. He said the company will accelerate the pace of developing the GSM business, in which China Unicom had 128 million users by the end of last month.

  4. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.

  5. " The CBRC has always supported trust companies developing property business in accordance with the law, " the commission said.

  6. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

  7. China"s central bank issued a directive yesterday aimed at increasing regulations of the housing loan business after problems in developing the market.

  8. Not one to twiddle his thumbs, Zhang has been busy expanding Sohu"s business scope and developing new markets.

  9. Developing the individually owned business sector will take more than just reforming management fees, says an article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.

point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展6)

——how are you的中文是什么意思3篇

how are you的中文是什么意思1

  how are you的中文意思

  英[hau ɑ: ju:]

  美[ha e(r) ju]

  [词典] 你好;

  how are you的双语例句

  1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


  2. A:How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  3. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.


  4. How old are you? I"m fifteen.


  5. If you are the creative type, we also have instructions to help you design your own style sheet for the Administration Panels, and even how to turn your


  6. How are you today I`m fine/super/ great /so-so!


  7. How are you doing with your English Language studies?


  how are you的回答


  首先我们要明白“How are you?”的使用情景:

  通常在二人会面时询问,作为打招呼的方式之一,如果你正巧碰到你的朋友正在经历些不好的事,比如他摔了一跤,你就不要使用“How are you?”了~

  除了“How are you?”,还有以下几种打招呼的问法:

  “How are you doing?”

  “What"s up, man?"

  “How was your day?”

  无论以上哪种问法,当你回答近况时,最好不要只学会一句“I am fine thank you,and you?”。


  1.I"m great thanks. Listen,……

  2.I feel amazing,……


  1.Not too bad!

  2.Can"t complain! / Mustn"t grumble!


  1.Pretty bad!



point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展7)



  英 [ˈhaʊzɪŋ] 美 [ˈhaʊzɪŋ]


  名词 房屋; 供给住宅; 掩护; 外罩


  1. Many immigrants here are living in bad housing.


  2. There is an acute housing shortage in our city.


  3. What are housing conditions like in your town now?



  1. China"s central bank issued a directive yesterday aimed at increasing regulations of the housing loan business after problems in developing the market.

  2. The housing market in China is subject to several taxes, from land appreciation tax and arable land occupation tax to stamp tax and business tax.

  3. Stabilizing the housing market is a noble and desired goal, and bunches of borrowers hurt by the bust genuinely need help.

  4. Many of the highest jobless rates were concentrated in California, which got walloped after the booming housing market went bust.

  5. California and Nevada have been slammed by the housing bust, while Rhode Island has lost thousands of manufacturing and government jobs in the past year.

  6. Beijingers and expats are buying up properties this month before the possible end of a citywide stimulus housing policy.

  7. Compared with the inexpensive " buying price " of land, housing prices in the area is very high.

  8. I find that buying my own apartment is a luxury now due to high housing price.

  9. It would mean public housing tenants who had been buying up private properties suddenly had found an attractive alternative.

point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展8)



  英[negtv] 美[nɡtv]

  第三人称单数:negatives 第三人称复数:negatives 现在分词:negativing 过去分词:negatived 过去式:negatived

  形容词 消极的,否认的;[数]负的;[心]反抗性的; 无预期结果的

  名词 否定词语; 否定的观点; 消极性; [摄]底片

  及物动词 否定; 拒绝



  1.He gave me a negative answer.


  2.The tests for hepatitis were negative.



  1.The deep mud negatived all the efforts to advance.


  2.The bill was negatived.


point of view的中文是什么意思3篇(扩展9)



  英 [nekst] 美 [nɛkst]

  形容词 紧接在后的; 次于的; 贴近的; 紧邻的

  副词 接下去; 然后; 居后地; 依次的

  名词 下一个; 下一位

  介词 靠近; 居于…之后; 在…的隔壁

  1. 紧接在后的;接下去的

  The next period of time, event, person, or thing is the one that comes immediately after the present one or after the previous one.

  e.g. I got up early the next morning.


  e.g. ...the next available flight...


  2. 紧接在后的;下一个的

  You use next in expressions such as next Friday ,next day and next year to refer, for example, to the first Friday, day, or year that comes after the present or previous one.

  e.g. Let"s plan a big night next week...


  e.g. He retires next January...


  3. 紧邻的;贴近的

  The next place or person is the one that is nearest to you or that is the first one that you come to.

  e.g. Grace sighed so heavily that Trish could hear it in the next room...


  e.g. The man in the next chair was asleep...






