

时间:2023-01-16 14:15:06 来源:文池范文网

各种鞋子的英文翻译是怎么样1  1.YoungwomendressedasmermaidswillactastrainersforcustomersatLongYuanDivingClub.  2.下面是小编为大家整理的2023年各种鞋子英文翻译是怎么样3篇,供大家参考。



  1. Young women dressed as mermaids will act as trainers for customers at Long Yuan Diving Club.

  2. We agree to take meaningful steps toward improving curriculum development and training of trainers, as well as skills standards to build a skilled and adaptable APEC work force.

  3. A typical day at the training base starts from the early morning, when trainers check and clean up the kennels.

  4. Trainers said they are chosen for their gentle personality and good communication with people.

  5. She worked as a migrant laborer for the following two years, until a friend introduced her to the world of animal trainers in a local circus.

  6. The Pakistani government has demanded that some US military counterterror trainers leave the country.

  7. At the marine animal adventure section at the side of the hotel, guests can get close to the dolphins under the watchful guidance of the trainers.

  8. US military trainers were sent this year to advise Yemeni troops on striking al Qaeda guerrillas believed hiding there.

  9. Lin Dan threw his trainers and racket into the audience after winning the gold medal in the badminton singles competition.

  10. It also followed a string of disturbing killings of US military trainers by their Afghan partners or militants dressed in Afghan uniform.


  1. To learn more about light weight hiking boots, please visit Hiking For Fun for current articles and discussions.


  2. You`ll be doing lots of walking and hiking and you`ll want the most comfortable boots possible.


  3. Find a padded or carpeted wall or spot that you can kick (sometimes shops have a high, carpet covered bench set up for boot fitting that works), do this with the boots snugged up like you would have them for hiking.


  4. Hiking Boots are specially-made footwear for men and women that are suitable for hiking, camping, and mountain-climbing.


  5. I thought that this was a great idea and so we went off on a shopping trip together and she helped me pick out some suitable gear including a great pair of very reasonably priced Asolo hiking boots.


  6. I brought a pair of heavy duty hiking boots.








  1. Monasteries, when they abound in a nation, are clogs in its circulation, cumbrous establishments, centres of idleness where centres of labor should exist.


  2. Ap* to the following 180MM heel high in general and soft clogs at the end of knot used to help.


  3. No athletic shoes, clogs, and backless shoes will be permitted.


  4. Clogs are very famous; I think they are special souvenir.





  1. Monasteries, when they abound in a nation, are clogs in its circulation, cumbrous establishments, centres of idleness where centres of labor should exist.


  2. Ap* to the following 180MM heel high in general and soft clogs at the end of knot used to help.


  3. No athletic shoes, clogs, and backless shoes will be permitted.


  4. Clogs are very famous; I think they are special souvenir.




  1. It seemed overstrung to cross the ankle-deep stream with hip-reached boots, therefore we just went into the water and waded into the middle of the stream.


  2. Then there are a total of five points of contact with the stream bottom, two pairs of boots and the ax.


  3. Operators shall wear insulating boots, gloves and glasses.


  4. An example would be having 2 identical items, lets say a pair of boots. One of them have 50 haste rating while the other pair has 50 crit rating. I would pick the one with haste on without blinking.


  5. Boots should be thick leather, with a sole that can flex with the foot but has a resistance to crushing across the foot.





  英 [ˈɑ:ftəwədz] 美 [ˈæftərwərdz]

  副词 之后; 以后; 继; 然后,后来地

  1. Afterwards, Du Kang found that it was the fermented sorghum seeds which gave off the alluring fragrance.


  2. Almost immediately afterwards, in both my meditation and my life, I experienced a major shift, as if all the pain and hurt of the world was going through me.


  3. Afterwards, I will deliver what I would consider to be the ideal blowjob/handjob combination until the winner has an orgasm or 30 minutes passes whichever comes first.


  4. On the practice of sup* chain management, we always studied the carriers`performance when the shippers choose carriers to carry for him. This kind of research belong to afterwards assess, it is short of goad and initiative. Many cases about lose can be find everywhere because of choosing improper carriers, the main reason is that there exist asymmetric information between the shipper and the carrier.


  5. We still fought snow battle, I took some snow, putting into a clothes hat of little girl, melting afterwards, her hat is whole wet!



  英 [ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli] 美 [ˈsʌbsɪˌkwɛntlɪ]

  副词 其后,随后,接着; “subsequent”的派生; 嗣后; 尔后

  1. He subsequently joined Toro Rosso partway through last year and is currently competing in his first full F1 season.


  2. The thesis discusses the traditional opinion about the objective of women who received the education in the article of 〈He Dong Shi Zi Hou〉, subsequently extends the discussion to cover the sexual relationships of society at that time.


  3. The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.


  4. The previous research found that the DEP domain of Dvl alone may interact with an upstream partner, subsequently the interaction blocks the activity of upstream signalling of Dvl, while a KM mutant (Lys434 mutated to Met) of Dvl does not possess this function.



——放弃的英文翻译是怎么样的 (菁选2篇)


  放弃的英文翻译:give up

  英 [ɡiv p] 美 [ɡv p]

  1. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth.


  2. I should learn to give up sth for getting sth.


  3. Give up sth. to sb.


  4. New; change the new for the old; forsake the old for the new; give up sth.


  5. But it"s ok now, everyone needs to get over something, needs to give sth up before theycan receive.



  英 [rnans] 美 [rnans]

  1. Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.


  2. Pyre becomes a hero to all Charr, following his command to renounce all gods. In the 250 years, they become more united and eventually pwn Ascalon. They conquer everything but Ascalon City. In King Adelbern"s final days, the Charr finally breach Ascalon City.

  Pyre成了Charr全族的英雄,在他的领导下,Charr成功的抛弃了众神(他在gwen一直想做的,也成功了),250年后,Charr成了更强更团结的种族,并击败了Ascalon,他们占领了除Ascalon City之后的一切国土。

  3. The illusion of three-dimensionality was old-world nonsense, which painters were right to renounce in their struggle for a purer, flatter, more uncompromising aesthetic.


  4. He made up his mind to renounce the pen for the sword and join the army.


  5. I renounce the pen for the sword to a south city in Anhui to look after prisoners resolutely.


  6. But one thing you need to renounce -- that is knowledgeability.


  7. Clearly Wilde`s view was that to enjoy life one should renounce the bad habit of answering letters.


  8. I insist only that they renounce this one idea that they have in common: They need only to give up the idea of forcing us to acquiesce to their groups and series, their socialized projects, their free-credit banks, their Graeco-Roman concept of morality, and their commercial regulations.


  9. He tried to proselyte Han Yu to renounce the world for Talism.

  他试验过的对改信仰者汉 Yu 为 Talism 放弃世界。


  英 [bndn] 美 [bndn]

  1. Ahmadinejad said in a speech that Iran would never abandon what he once again called its purely peaceful nuclear program.

  2. But that does not mean we can afford to ignore or abandon the export market as a key driver of economic growth.

  3. Every year we see youths abandon their ideals and choose popular majors only to get a good job.

  4. Canon announced the closure of its three Chinese factories temporarily on Sept 17 but added it had no plans to abandon the China market.

  5. According to the Law of the Protection of Juveniles in China, parents who abandon or harm a child will be deprived the right of custody.

  6. The crux of the issue is that Americans must abandon their childish ideas of how a society works.

  7. The people here sim* do not discard wrapping paper, bags or cigarette butts with the gay abandon seen elsewhere.

  8. Tymoshenko"s supporters on Tuesday forced Yushchenko to abandon his annual address to parliament.

  9. Fiat can abandon the deal if it does not close by June 15.

  10. The talks are meant to coax Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons project in return for aid and security assurances.


  放弃的英文翻译:give up

  英 [ɡiv p] 美 [ɡv p]

  1. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth.


  2. I should learn to give up sth for getting sth.


  3. Give up sth. to sb.


  4. New; change the new for the old; forsake the old for the new; give up sth.


  5. But it"s ok now, everyone needs to get over something, needs to give sth up before theycan receive.



  英 [rnans] 美 [rnans]

  1. Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.


  2. Pyre becomes a hero to all Charr, following his command to renounce all gods. In the 250 years, they become more united and eventually pwn Ascalon. They conquer everything but Ascalon City. In King Adelbern"s final days, the Charr finally breach Ascalon City.

  Pyre成了Charr全族的英雄,在他的领导下,Charr成功的抛弃了众神(他在gwen一直想做的,也成功了),250年后,Charr成了更强更团结的种族,并击败了Ascalon,他们占领了除Ascalon City之后的一切国土。

  3. The illusion of three-dimensionality was old-world nonsense, which painters were right to renounce in their struggle for a purer, flatter, more uncompromising aesthetic.


  4. He made up his mind to renounce the pen for the sword and join the army.


  5. I renounce the pen for the sword to a south city in Anhui to look after prisoners resolutely.


  6. But one thing you need to renounce -- that is knowledgeability.


  7. Clearly Wilde`s view was that to enjoy life one should renounce the bad habit of answering letters.


  8. I insist only that they renounce this one idea that they have in common: They need only to give up the idea of forcing us to acquiesce to their groups and series, their socialized projects, their free-credit banks, their Graeco-Roman concept of morality, and their commercial regulations.


  9. He tried to proselyte Han Yu to renounce the world for Talism.

  他试验过的对改信仰者汉 Yu 为 Talism 放弃世界。


  英 [bndn] 美 [bndn]

  1. Ahmadinejad said in a speech that Iran would never abandon what he once again called its purely peaceful nuclear program.

  2. But that does not mean we can afford to ignore or abandon the export market as a key driver of economic growth.

  3. Every year we see youths abandon their ideals and choose popular majors only to get a good job.

  4. Canon announced the closure of its three Chinese factories temporarily on Sept 17 but added it had no plans to abandon the China market.

  5. According to the Law of the Protection of Juveniles in China, parents who abandon or harm a child will be deprived the right of custody.

  6. The crux of the issue is that Americans must abandon their childish ideas of how a society works.

  7. The people here sim* do not discard wrapping paper, bags or cigarette butts with the gay abandon seen elsewhere.

  8. Tymoshenko"s supporters on Tuesday forced Yushchenko to abandon his annual address to parliament.

  9. Fiat can abandon the deal if it does not close by June 15.

  10. The talks are meant to coax Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons project in return for aid and security assurances.


——from out to out的翻译是怎么样的3篇

from out to out的翻译是怎么样的1

  英 [frɔm aut tu: aut] 美 [frʌm aʊt tu aʊt]

  from out to out 基本解释

  副词从一端到另一端; 从一端到一端

from out to out的翻译是怎么样的2

  1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".

  2. Degree content is designed with input from employers to ensure that graduates are highly employable and many organisations actively seek out Aston Business School graduates.

  3. Sim* getting out into rural Beijing to sample local seasonal food is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

  4. One commentator from the auto industry said most university students couldn"t afford to buy a car out of their own pockets.

  5. The death toll from Wednesday"s storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather.

  6. The cabinet asked government offices to draw lessons from the accident and root out hidden risks.

  7. Californian authorities on Tuesday ruled out the possibility that radiation from Japan would pose a threat to the US West Coast.

  8. He then pulled away from the knife, got out and ran away to call police.

  9. A friend may call you from out of the blue and ask to crash on your sofa for a few days.




  1. It allowed people, in William Blake"s phrase, to hold infinity in the palm of a hand, and eternity in an hour.

  用William Blake的话说,它让我们丈浩瀚宇宙,知茫茫乾坤。

  2. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand


  3. John- A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes The folds that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your infinite smile It was like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside, an invisible guide Had shown me a way to survive Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you?


  4. We proved, under a geometric condition given by Capietto, Mawhin and Zanolin, the infinity and some dense distribution of even or odd symmetric subharmonics for the equation with oscillatory nonlinearity.


  5. Here, Kramer not only questions the selection criteria for Double Infinity but also highlights the subtext of utopian visions running throughout this exhibition.


  6. 10 Light-year: Here we will see nothing in the infinity....

  1017 - 10光年:在无限的宇宙中,眼前一片茫然。


  1. We cannot look at the CPC with the typical angle of the West or according to Western standards.

  2. But Anelka reacted swiftly to seize possession again and curl a superb effort past the Porto keeper from an acute angle.

  3. The game was effectively over after 18 minutes when Adebayor threaded in a shot from an acute angle.

  4. Similar effort was made by some COC officials from a different angle in 1995 when they visited the international Olympic Museum in Lausanne.

  5. Office applications are more concerned about factors like contrast, viewing angle and color consistency.

  6. Viewers can read her heart through the way she captures light, the sensitivity of color and the angle of composition.

  7. Using tilt wall mount you will be able to adjust the angle of TV screen vertically as well as horizontally.

  8. Clients may have the chair adjusted to a suitable angle and watch movies on a big screen while specialists massage their feet.

  9. Many drug trade and delivery rings were set up to transport drug from the " Gold Angle " across borders to Vietnam.

  10. Due to the change of appreciation angle, the imposing water discharge can render the tourists excited with heart afire.


——繁华的英文翻译是怎么样的 (菁选2篇)


  英 [ˈprɒspərəs] 美 [ˈprɑ:spərəs]

  1. Elegant prosperous is passed such upgrade ceaselessly, turn similar Yamaxun into such number finally publication company.


  2. Group of medium and small businesses is promoting region economy progress and prosperous respect to having outstanding effect.


  3. The prosperous development of Buddhism and Taoism and their deep influence changed shaman"s social existing circumstance a lot.


  4. Apart from living in a stable and prosperous society, there were at least three other criteria necessary for a successful curator of books.


  5. Innovation is the soul of one nation, is the motive force to make a country prosperous.


  6. Dear, you said that these two day of soles of the foot always give off heat, this is not the cloudy deficiency-fire prosperous symptom?



  英 ["flɜ:ɪʃɪŋ] 美 ["flɜ:ɪʃɪŋ]

  1. Around the pool, there are many trees. The trees are flourishing.


  2. This paper aims at drawing a rough outline of the development of Hubei poetry in the new era, which has undergone a process of resurgence, flourishing, transformation and waning.


  3. We together with the Central Committee of the youth league had a science and technology camp with thousands of people during summer vacation in 2001. To suit the flourishing development of traveling and meet the need of market economy, we organized ourselves again in 2003 including Beijing Railway international Travel Service, Xin Da Co.


  4. It is a good location in the flourishing sowntown street or shoping centre to have a restaurant.


  5. The city magazine is the flourishing outcome of the city civilization height and radicate at the city culture and contribute efforts to the city culture.


  6. The company"s business is flourishing under the new general manager.

  解 析:译文:该公司的生意在新的总经理的.管理下不断兴旺。


——英文done in的翻译是怎么样的 (菁选2篇)

英文done in的翻译是怎么样的1

  英 [dʌn in] 美 [dʌn ɪn]

  done in 基本解释

  筋疲力尽; 累坏的

英文done in的翻译是怎么样的2

  1. This is despite concern in China that Ye has neither set foot in the media operation nor done business overseas.

  2. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

  3. A " cultural revolution " theme restaurant has done brisk business since it opened in Guangzhou several months ago.

  4. But they also noted that more is needed to be done in terms of business promotion to guarantee an early recovery.

  5. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services.

  6. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.

  7. Feng said the act of dispatching security forces abroad would be warranted only in exceptional cases and should be done only by the government.

  8. However, traditionally selling and buying land in China is done through private contract.

  9. He specializes in buying up city landmarks and has done well enough that he"s on the cusp of being made a partner at his firm.

  10. There is a buzz on the ground as people in the city discuss, plan and contemplate the next four years and the work to be done.


——表达各种数字的英文形式是怎么样的 (菁选2篇)


  英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn]

  1. " It is an honour to be in the presence of these Nobel laureates, " said one student at the University of International Business and Economics.

  2. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year"s end.

  3. Yet translated into simple business English, they actually mean one thing - diesel.

  4. One man said he was riding a bicycle across a bridge over the Metro tracks when the sound of the collision got his attention.

  5. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.

  6. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.

  7. Even in the contemporary business culture, dedication to duty is cherished as one of the most important ethics.

  8. After a further business failure, one of them hired someone to kill his partner.

  9. Its China business group is known as one of the largest and most experienced China teams of any international law firm.

  10. An operator with Aramco said there was no one available at the company to comment after business hours.


  1. It will be said that, while a little leisure is pleasant, men would not know how to fill their days if they had only four hours of work out of the twenty-four.


  2. It takes twenty-four hours for the earth to go around one time.


  3. Twenty-four meters below the ground, the ammunition bunker has been transformed into a wine cellar to preserve the historical heritage.


  4. And it is seventh in the percentage of eighteen to twenty-four year olds in college.


  5. He would often play these games for more than twenty-four hours at a time.





  The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche mark.


  Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.


  Germany was condemned to pay reparations on a fabulous scale.


  Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks.


  Friends applaud, the comedy is finished. --Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer


  a totalitarian state


  Germany was allied with Austria and Italy.


  DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.


  Blackstone owns 4.5 percent of Deutsche Telekom, the former is the telecommunication monopoly.


  It was the first elections to be held in a united Germany for fifty eight years.


  Criticism of Germany, by comparison, is muted.


  The problem is not confined to Germany.






