

时间:2022-09-27 19:05:04 来源:文池范文网




 二战德军单兵反坦克武器介绍 When the tank appeared in Europe in 1916, it was destined to become the main character in the battlefield. Although the British empire into the somme battlefield tanks for the first time only trivial 42 units, but its unmatched firepower and armor has let the germans fear. The rumbling tanks rolled over the German trenches and became the enemy of the infantry. Later, Germany developed its own tanks. And in order to deal with this terrible monster, countries are racing to find a way to fight the tanks. Since then, the battle between tanks and anti-tank weapons has been one of the main themes of the war.

 Germany has conducted in-depth research into anti-tank operations following the first encounter with tanks on the somme river. In the battle of Cambrai in November 1917, despite the British army"s reliance on tanks for victory, the germans were in the hands of 100 tanks that had lost their ability to fight. Thirty of them were repaired and became one of the first tanks of the German armored unit. After a hurried test of the spoils, the germans discovered that they could puncture the armour of a British tank, as long as they added a large amount of tungsten carbide to the shell. But this is a quick fix, and after Britain thickens the tank armour, it will not work. As the war progressed, further research was carried out, developing a more effective anti-tank tactic. The German side requires the infantry to keep their composure in the face of tanks and take steps to build an anti-tank trench. It even has a special anti-tank battle instruction manual.

 Because early tanks were technologically immature, they were easily destroyed by howitzers and hand grenades. Meanwhile,

 special anti-tank weapons have also appeared on the battlefield. The first German anti-tank weapons were made at the famous mather factory in oberndorf, known as the M1918. The 13mm single-shot rifle was not used until 1918. Because the gun was too long, the germans had a special pair of legs for it, given the speed of the reaction. The bullet"s bullet point is more than 800 meters per second, and is able to penetrate 25 millimeters of armor at a distance of 220 meters. Despite its effectiveness, Germany"s defeat was now a foregone conclusion, and mather"s anti-tank guns were unable to return.

 After the defeat, the German army was limited by the treaty of Versailles to the size of 100,000 people. The Allies did not allow Germany to have any heavy weapons, but Germany was developing them in the dark. Deprived of the right to develop offensive weapons, Germany vigorously developed defensive weapons. During this period, anti-tank warfare tactics were greatly developed, and the single-soldier anti-tank weapons were carefully developed. It was with these weapons that the anti-tank capabilities of the German infantry were at their highest in the future. Below, we will give a brief introduction to the main army unit of war against tank weapons during world war ii.

 Because Germany during world war I had developed a dedicated anti-tank rifle, therefore the second world war, Germany and continue to develop already gradually mature anti-tank rifle. Other countries have also developed a large number of anti-tank rifles. Actually, anti-tank rifle is used early tanks protection is weak, the shortcomings of poor mobility, coupled with early anti-tank means less also, therefore was also was

 hot for a while. In the early stages of the war, the German army also carried out the M1918 m19s. But because armor targets are getting better and faster and faster, anti-tank rifles are becoming obsolete. So during the later battles, the German anti-tank rifles were not widely used. Occasionally, German snipers use anti-tank rifles to destroy enemy gunners. The German anti-tank rifles used in world war ii mainly include the following:

 Pz. B. 39 anti-tank rifles (Panzerbuchse 39) : the gun was made by the Gustloff Werks and was only used in the early stages of the war. The gun has a diameter of 7.

 92mm, the full-length 1.62 m, weighs 12.6 kg, with the initial speed of 1140m/SEC, capable of penetrating 25mm armor.

 To make it more efficient, the gun was fitted with two cartridges on either side of the rear chamber, each with 10 rounds of ammunition, and the 10 bullets were fired within a minute. The gun was heavily used between 1939 and 1940, and during the invasion of Poland there were 568 Pz. But before the French campaign, the Pz. B. 39 anti-tank rifles were considered obsolete. So after 1941, the use of the gun was reduced, and all ceased in November of that year. But when the germans invaded the Soviet union, there were still about 25,000 Pz. Its total production is 39,232 branches. In addition, part of the decommissioned pz.b.39 was used by the germans as grenade launchers and was given a new number: gr.b.39. The modified grenade launcher can penetrate 125mm armor.

 Pz. B. 40k, Panzerbuchse 40k:

  The gun was developed by Krieghoff, a 7.92 mm caliber, and a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle. The early models used the MG34 machine gun and two legs to simplify the manufacturing process. The special bullets can Pierce the 25mm deck.

 The mpz.b.41 anti-tank rifle: the gun is not a native German. It was developed by the famous Ceskoslovenska Zbrojovka, or CZ, with a diameter of 7.92 mm. The anti-tank rifle is said to be armed only with armed ss.

 Infantry can use grenade grenades to attack armor targets beyond the range of grenade projectile, and the accuracy is higher. It is more powerful than an anti-tank rifle.

 Germany"s first anti-tank grenade was the P40 grenade (Schuss Granate P40). The grenade has a prominent feature of the rifle grenade: it has a stable wing, which is fired through a modified Kar 98k rifle. The modification is usually a special set of headsets on the Kar 98k rifle muzzle. It began to equip paratroopers in 1941, but it was not successful, so it was stopped in 1942. In addition to the blunt cone warhead, there is a warhead with a stent.

 In 1943 the socket launcher on the rifle was replaced by a new transmitter. This transmitter while also set on the muzzle, but more applicable gun type, including 98 k Kar rifles, 44 submachine gun StGw and FG 42 paratroopers rifles, etc., and can emit more types of grenade. The transmitter has a diameter of 30mm, 25cm long and weighs about 0.75 kg, until May 1944, producing 145,0114 units.

  The first to be used with this transmitter is the Gewehr Panzergranate 30. But the grenade also has many insufficiencies, one of the most obvious is a short range, power and ammunition is not big enough, even in a positive direction against armored targets, it can only pose a threat to light armored vehicles.

 Later, a charge more anti-tank grenade replaced GewPzGr. 30, the serial number of the grenade is GewPzGr. 40 (Gewehr Panzergranate 40), also known as large anti-tank grenade (Gross Gewehrpanzergranate).

 The most obvious difference between the two is that the warhead of the former is cylindrical, while the latter is conical and larger. The gewpzgr.40 warhead has a diameter of 39-45mm, weighs 390g, is 18.5 cm long and has a capacity of 115g, and can theoretically puncture the armor of 70mm, which was the most common type of grenade used by the germans at the time.

 Gewpzgr.30 and gewpzgr.40 produced 23808,900, and then the team developed the gewpzgr.46 rifle grenade, which has been powered by an armoured penetrating force of 90mm. The warhead is 46mm in diameter, 9.3 cm long, and the entire rifle is 10.2 cm long and has a capacity of 150g and weighs 390g. In addition,

 There"s also a gewpzgr.61 rifle grenade, which has a penetration penetration of 125mm. The warhead diameter is 61mm, long 13.6 cm long, the ammunition capacity 200g, weighs 520g. This type of grenade has grown in both performance and volume compared to the previous rounds of grenade. Both types of grenade were developed by the arms development division of the

 party guard and are two entirely new grenade grenades. But because they were late, Germany"s failure was inevitable, so it was a small batch of production for a while.

 The Panerfaust system was the most famous single-soldier anti-tank weapon in the second world war, and was also made by the German army. Throughout the war, the iron fist developed a variety of models, usually named after range. These include 30 m, 60m, 100m, 150m and 30km. What we commonly call an iron fist anti-tank grenade launcher should actually be the one with a range of 60m. This type of iron fist is the most effective of the entire iron fist anti-tank grenade launcher family.

 The iron fist is very simple. It consists mainly of two parts: a steel gunpowder tube provides the engine for the anti-tank grenades. The anti-tank grenade in front of the gunpowder tube is similar to the rifle grenade described in the previous article. Launch, squeezed the gunpowder infantry fire needle, outside the tube start hit cap light tube propulsion gunpowder, from anti-tank grenade launcher, and spring tail subsequently, make its stability to fly to the target to explode. The hollow blast section contains a high explosive charge that can penetrate the 200mm armor. Because the gun is hollow, the flow of the gunpowder can be pushed out of the back of the gunpowder tube, leaving it with no recoil at all.

 The launch of an iron fist is special. In general, the launcher is placed under the right armpit, the left hand is fixed in the direction, the warhead is up, and the parabola is used to attack the top of the tank. This kind of mortars, like mortar, are very effective, and the iron fist is more important because of its

 unique attack methods. In addition, the iron fist can be placed on the right shoulder.

 The first type of iron fist is an iron fist type 30. It was developed in 1943 to relieve the pressure of the Soviet armored forces facing the eastern front infantry. But due to its range too close, in the face of the protection and fire are rising when the red army tanks becomes more and more backward, thus eventually replaced by the iron fist 60 type. In the future, there is a further range of models, but the accuracy of the range is also influenced ...





