

时间:2023-03-30 08:30:07 来源:文池范文网

5月雅思考试写作参考1  asthemostimportantinventioninthe21century,com*rshavewindspreadintheworld,andtheuseofit下面是小编为大家整理的5月雅思考试写作参考3篇,供大家参考。



  as the most important invention in the 21 century,com*rs have windspread in the world,and the use of it has become the necessity of various spheres both in our work and in our daily life. although com*rs are also greatly utilized in the education field,teachers are still playing a crucial part on the platform. personally,i believe that teachers should not be replaced by com*rs due to the following reasons.

  being the architect of humanbeings" moral, teachers shoulder the responsibilities of passing knowledge to students as well as shaping them to be real men with good qualities. students may learn some certain knowledge from com*rs which are cold and senseless, but good qualities can only be taught by teachers.

  at the same time,com*rs might not give detailed and understandable elaboration of complicated theories. after judging whether the answers are right or wrong com*rs fail to tell them why they make such mistakes. the problems can only be dealt with by teachers.

  in addition,some elementary academic exchanges,such as discussion and association,cannot be organised by com*rs.nevertheless, teachers make up the deficiendy.by this means,students" learning enthusiasm is greatly activated.

  above all,com*rs bring about many significant revolutions in the education field,but teachers are still the hosts of the classroom.we should always bear in mind that men are the owner of technology and no matter how intelligent the com*rs are,they are merely man-made machines.


  Private cars vs Public traffic

  As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developing countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spent to deal with them.

  Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from their workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fuel in a heavy traffic jam. At the same time, through burning the fossil fuels, green house gas CO2, CO1, acid rain gas SO2, fumes and dusts are being released into the atmosphere, all of which heavily overload the environment. Thirdly, with the increase of private cars, the road traffic accidents are also rise dramatically. For example, in a city with 5000 cars, there will be at least 250 accidents happening everyday, which also burden the public healthy services.

  On the contrary, expected public traffic may be an ideal solution to these problems. For example city buses and railways are widely used or being constructed by many cities. People can take buses easily, which can be found every 10 minutes or less in the peak time. Actually, Nottingham Transport Company is building its own light railway in the city, which is announced by the speak man of the company, “It will be completed in the next year, the tickets will be very competitive and at the same time the travel will be very safe and comfortable.”

  On the other hand, public traffic had its own disadvantages. Usually it cannot provide door-to-door service. It is inconvenient to go shopping by public vehicles. Sometimes you must wait a long time for the train. And quite a lot of people prefer to enjoy driving.

  In conclusion, developing the public traffic is a useful approach to deal with these difficulties. One possible way, if not the best, is to taxi private cars heavily and use these revenues to provide citizens cheaper public traffic services.


  With the development of science and technology, the cars have already become the important component in our daily life gradually. Cars make our life convenient and swift. However, too many cars have caused very serious social problems. Some people claim that the disadvantages of car are more than the advantages. I doubt whether the argument can bear much *ysis.

  Since one century [ago], the auto industry has [been] developed at full speed worldwide, and has brought the enormous progresses to our life. For example, the car is the most convenient tool of transportation. We can [be] on and off duty by car every day, we can go to travel by car on the vacation, we can utilize the cars to deal with some emergency too. The car [is] playing an important role in our daily life. They make our rhythm of life faster and faster, make our business become more and more efficient.

  On the other hand, the development of the automobile has brought a lot of infant industry to people, Give people countless employment opportunities too. Such as, manufacturing industry, repairing industry and maintaining industry. We are enjoying the convenience that the cars bring to us; at the same time we can utilize the auto industry to support ourselves.However, we can not ignore that too many cars cause enormous social problems, for example, traffic jam, air pollution, traffic accident, to which we have to find a solution.

  In a word, the cars have brought enormous change to our life; the advantages are far more than the disadvantages. We should recognize the merit of the cars, and do our best to solve the problems. If so, our life will be brighter.





  Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

  people rarely have an absolute consensus on the controversial issue whether a man should intend to go in for a life-time career. These day, very few people prefer to always taking a position.

  in some senses, a life-time career has its merits. First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after some time, you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can establish an extensive social connections relating to the field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.

  however, as the modern society develops, experiencing different jobs has its advantages. Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff are inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation. If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions can help you gain ground to be promoted.

  In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.


  Most universities and colleges spend a rather long period in fundamental theories and elementary courses. But students regard these kinds of knowledge useless, and pay less attention to them. Thus, some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training benefit to society. As for me, I think this view is reasonable in some aspects.

  First of all, the theoretical knowledge just handles problem is an abstract concept. It must combine with real job, can just give play to its efficiency. The theoretical knowledge losing contact with reality is nonsensical. For instance, as everyone knows, with the development of society, Work position more and more need experienced talent, that is to say, they need those people who can combine theoretical knowledge with practice. So, more offering practice training to university students can help them to adapt to the society better.

  Secondly, the theoretical knowledge root in practice. Any theory knowledge is obtained from the work of practicing. The universities provide practical training to students, make them understand the theoretical knowledge dee*. Just because of this, more and more universities stipulate that students should participate in social work at least one year in the four years, in order to get practical training.

  However, the theoretical knowledge is the quintessence of practice, and it is the important course that we can"t ignore too. So, theoretical knowledge and practice have the equal status in our study.

  In a word, theory knowledge and practical training are all our required courses. We must study theory knowledge, and then ap* it to practice. Just like what a famous sayings said: thoughts can give off brilliant light only when put into actions.


  Children - Nature or Nurture?

  Which one has deeper influence on molding children’s personalities and their development nature or nurture?

  In certain respects, children are the same all over the world. But when they grow up, they become quite different. What has caused such considerable changes? I believe nurture plays the crucial role in personality and development of a child. In another word, the circumstances surrounding the child are more important to form its character.

  As an old saying remarked, ‘No man is born wise or learned’. Had nobody taught him, a man would even not be able to count from 1 to 10, no matter how talented he were. In fact, a nascent infant to who has scarcely given birth, in certain aspects, is just the same as a kitten being no aware of so-called character. Its nature is to cry for food when it feels hungry, or cry for release when it feels uncomfortable. That is that. The true story of ‘wolf-child’ can be the best evidence.

  On the other hand, the parents, teachers, as well as other people around a child, are the main builders who develop its personality. Learning from the circumstances, the child forms its character and concepts of the world. People always say ‘the best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child needs teaching.’ Without correct guidance, a clear conscience can even go bad. For instance, a father is a deep drug addict, and in most cases, his son starts this dangerous experience very early, by reason of smoky air he has breathed since his childhood. Such situation is not rare. On the contrary, we often hear similar news from media.

  As you can tell from my *ysis, among all factors affecting the growth of children, nurture is the crucial one, which is much more important than the nature or any other else.





  题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


  It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

  On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young *s make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

  On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young *s can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.

  In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.


——雅思考试写作参考 (菁选2篇)


  In the last few years, with the development of society, working in a place all along has already become history. People can choose their job freely, so, people have different expectation for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job frequently. This dispute has brought our attention.

  First of all, the free choice of the job is the inevitable outcome of the social development. People can give play to their different ability in different work positions. To a person gifted in many ways, it is very challenging to often change the job. For example, a person has very outstanding ability, in the specific field. He can change his job after working some time in one place, in order to seek kind development. Moreover, a person has very good ability in many aspects, then, He can often change and work, in order to seek the feeling of freshness or raise the quality of life.

  However, to some people or some specific posts, it is impossible to often change the job. For instance, an accountant, he only grasps the knowledge and experience of accounting, he can work perfectly within the specific limits, and then changing job is unnecessary to him. Furthermore, in order to make the scientific payoffs, some scientists dedicate themselves to the scientific undertaking.

  So, I think whether people should change the job frequently, should depend on their personal situation or their working position. As a saying goes, it is one-sided to treat the question in isolation.

  Version 00116

  Some information in films, books and on the Internet has bad influence on

  young people and even on society. Some people think such information should be controlled. Give your opinion on both sides of view use your own experience and examples.


  Nowadays,people can get almost any information from films,books or the internet,but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. The following essay discusses whether there should be censorship of information in society or not.

  To begin with, some information is harmful for children, therefore we should protect children from some information. By this I mean, children are easily influenced and they cannot distinguish what is right or real and what is wrong or unreal, as they are immature, and hey probably imitate what they have seen. As a consequence, we should protect children from some information such as excessive violence or obscene material, so that they can grow up to be valuable members of society.

  Another point to bear in mind is that some information which could be harmful to society should be censored. For example, some material that encourages racism,violence or terrorism threatens social security, and it might lead to some serious social problems, such as crimes. Therefore, the government should ban this kind of information in films,books or on the internet.

  However, people do have the right to choose what they what to know, and they should be allowed access to most information. Further more, most adults are good people and will not be influenced in a negative way easily, thus they should have the freedom to decide what they want to know, and the government should not censor all information, as the government is only a group of people after all.

  In conclusion, parents should strictly control what their children watch or read, and the government should censor such information in children’s books, films or websites. In addition, the government should ban some information which encourages racism, violence and terrorism, as it is harmful to society. However, on the other hand, since it is people’s right to choose what they want to know, the government should not censor most information.




  travelling to a different culture can be an overwhelming,indeed,even an intimidating experience.it is very easy for misunderstandings to occur,and tourists are often deterred from places of cultural interest through fear of offending the indigenous people.therefore,some would argue,it is up to the locals to accomodate visitors by speaking their language,serving their cuisine,and generally making them "at home".without doing this,local perple can be considered as unfriendly and viewed with suspicion by travellers.consequently they are dissuaded from staying,which is ultimately detrimental to the local community,as the tourists take their spending-money with them.

  the counterview argues that acting naturally does not necessarily equate with being unfriendly.if a local person wishes to live their life as his or her ancestors have done for centuries then visitors should show respect and allow them to do so.in fact,many would argue that immersing one"s self in a different culture is vital in order to truly appreciate it.nothing is gained by travelling,potentially,thousands of miles to experience the same language,food and culture that could have been found a few miles down the road from one"s house.ultimately,it is a waste of money,nothing is learned from the experience,and the memories saved will be less vivid.

  this is the point of view i take.although it is vital for many countries" economies to welcome tourists,it does not have to imitate them so as to encourage their stay.if travellers have the right mind-set and show respect,all they need to do is to let the locals carry out their day-to-day lives to gain many insights into the culture.in this way,visitor and host can mutually benefit each other,through an increased income,and an enriching experience,respectively.


  Recent years, because traffic is convenient day-by-day, people have a more chance to travel around the world. The plane can make us reach any corner of the earth in a short time. Some people think visitors to others countries should imitated local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree; they think the host country should welcome culture different.

  As the a famous saying goes: Do as they do at Rome. The knowledge of local custom can help outside person adapt to the new environment rapidly. Moreover, each place has the own unique culture, may keep in touch more ideology and culture through the local folkways and customs. For instance, a Chinese people came to Britain, he can imitate British life style. In this way, He can understand British habit more thoroughly, thus, make himself live a more comfortable life in Britain.

  On the other hand, the outside thought has a lot of positive influence on local culture too. For example, the outside thought could bring the new theory and inject vigor into local culture. The exchanges of outside thought and traditional culture can help people to find out about the culture of other areas and countries.

  Making a general survey of human history, it is a positive trend that the nationality has been merging all the time. So, we should not only propagate local culture for the outside people but also study outside culture and custom. In this way, the earth would become a family, all the people would get along harmoniously.


  Many people use their own cars rather than public transport, so it is up to the government to encourage people to use buses and trains instead. Do you agree or disagree to this statement?很多人使用自己的私家车超过使用公交,因此*应该鼓励人们使用公交和火车。你在何种程度上同意或者不同意这个观点?

  The municipality ought to make it not only easier for people to use public transport but also make it more difficult for them to use their own cars. The answer is an up-to-date mass-transit system, which is expected to "kill two birds with one stone," so to speak. If everything goes well, the two big problems facing cities today-air pollution and traffic congestion--would be reduced to large extent.

  There are several benefits to encouraging drivers to adopt other transport options. That is why, in cities with frequent traffic congestion, individuals often choose subway, light rail or bus service. These options can lower the traffic frequency on the roads, and relieve people of the stress associated with driving in heavy traffic. But, first thing first, it is up to the government to improve such infrastructure facilities as contributing to a rapid transport framework. Without an efficient system, it is hardly possible for drivers to consider leaving their cars in the garages. The logic is obvious: people need to move around rapidly, so if public transport proves to be time-saving, they would refrain from using their cars.

  A modern mass-transit network has less of an environmental impact, apart from the advantage of reducing traffic congestion. The excessive use of private cars is often a health problem due to air pollution. Usually, that part of the city which has the worst congested traffic has the most notorious air pollution. This being the case, a huge sum of money should be spent on mass transit projects on a long-term basis. Before that, the government should take measures to control traffic flow by limiting non-essential driving in cities, if only for better air quality. As to how air pollution may cause climate to change because of the greenhouse effects is another story.

  All in all, it is imperative for the government to solve the dual-problem of traffic congestion and air pollution through the single strategy of creating a mass transit system that can meet people"s aspirations. Therefore, the question is not why but how. The government has the option; so do car owners.


  the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.car is not exception.

  owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe in their cars when they are out at night.

  Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contribute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact with frensh air.

  therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental pollution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars under control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted!


  Private cars vs Public traffic

  As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developing countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spent to deal with them.

  Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from their workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fuel in a heavy traffic jam. At the same time, through burning the fossil fuels, green house gas CO2, CO1, acid rain gas SO2, fumes and dusts are being released into the atmosphere, all of which heavily overload the environment. Thirdly, with the increase of private cars, the road traffic accidents are also rise dramatically. For example, in a city with 5000 cars, there will be at least 250 accidents happening everyday, which also burden the public healthy services.

  On the contrary, expected public traffic may be an ideal solution to these problems. For example city buses and railways are widely used or being constructed by many cities. People can take buses easily, which can be found every 10 minutes or less in the peak time. Actually, Nottingham Transport Company is building its own light railway in the city, which is announced by the speak man of the company, “It will be completed in the next year, the tickets will be very competitive and at the same time the travel will be very safe and comfortable.”

  On the other hand, public traffic had its own disadvantages. Usually it cannot provide door-to-door service. It is inconvenient to go shopping by public vehicles. Sometimes you must wait a long time for the train. And quite a lot of people prefer to enjoy driving.

  In conclusion, developing the public traffic is a useful approach to deal with these difficulties. One possible way, if not the best, is to taxi private cars heavily and use these revenues to provide citizens cheaper public traffic services.






























  答对40道, 得9分


——雅思考试媒体类写作真题 (菁选3篇)


  In some countries, advertisers increase the amount of advertising which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys,and other goods. Parents object to such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful information in these advertisements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.在一些国家,广告商增加广告的.数量,试图说服孩子们买零食、玩具和其他商品。父母反对给孩子施加这样的压力。但一些广告主声称,这些广告中有有用的信息。讨论两种观点并给出你的意见。


  When it comes to the issue about how to judge advertisements aimed at children, some people argue that such pressure should be away from children, but others believe that those advertisements could bring benefits to children.

  On one hand, excessively purchasing items for children may lead to economic burden of families. It is acknowledged that children may be easily influenced by adverts with vivid images and content. When children demand objects promoted by advertisements and smoothly obtain them from their parents, they may continue to ask for more fresh and interesting goods recommended by TV programs. Then, parents have to spend a lot of money on toys at the expense of reducing the life quality of the who family.

  On the other hand, children could also acquire some merits from advertisements. There are some toys, such as LEGO products, that could really improve children’s practical skills and creativity. For LEGO manufacturers, they need to produce some advertisements to promote their toys on television or other channels. Without those advertisements, neither could producers make a living nor could parents and children enjoy those toys, which reflects the importance of adverts.

  From my own perspective, introducing some toys is necessary for children because children also need some recreation, but governments should better regulate the content of advertisements for children. To be more specific, some inappropriate content, such as violence and drugs, should be strictly forbidden in adverts for children. Also, parents need to communicate with children in terms of what they could afford and what they may not afford, helping children form a correct attitude towards consumption.


  People today are too often bombarded with various advertisements on television,in newspapers or on the running buses or subways, a large proportion of which are children targeted.

  Some people may point out that too much exposure to advertising imposes too much stress on children as well as their parents. The advertisers usually have a deep insight into children"s psychology and behaviors which are taken into advantage of in their advertising to make their products. whether a toy, a snack or some other goods, more appealing to the young minds. As a result, the innocent young are very likely to fall prey to the predators and ask them parents to buy whatever is advertised, regardless of the price and the function.

  However, advertisers themselves hardly agree with these arguments,claming that the advertisements a re full of useful information. This is true to a certain extent. In some cases, parents tend to choose the right quality products according to what a commercial introduces, especially after careful comparison.

  Nevertheless, in some others,quite the revers e is true. That is to say that the information in a commercial is far from helpful but rather harmful because almost kinds of advertising will definitely exaggerate their merits but conceal their demerits.

  Overall, I believe that advertising marketed towards children should be strictly examined and controlled by the related authorities because children are the disadvantaged group of people and prone to any tricks and deceits. Also parents should be more discreet when choosing a product from advertisements.


——雅思考试口语新题及参考 (菁选2篇)


  1.Do you send gifts to others quite often?

  2.What kind of gifts are popular in your country?

  3.Are there some special gifts in your country?

  4.What are the difference between the gifts sent nowadays and those sent in the past?

  5.If you have a child, when will you give presents to him/her?

  6.How do you feel about receiving an expensive gift?

  Sample answers:

  1.Not really. Only when someone invite to their home or attend some kind of celebrations will I send gifts to others. For example, when one of my friends invited me to attend her wedding, I sent her a microwave oven as a gift. And usually, Chinese prefer to give red envelope with 500 RMB to 2000 RMB to the inviters instead of sending gifts. In this way, the inviters can use this amount of money to purchase whatever she/he likes.

  2.For a common visit, we tend to send fruits, cookies and the like to the host. You know, most of people like to eat this kind of things. And we don’t want to send something the host doesn’t like. So food is always one of the best choices. For some important occasions like wedding ceremonies, we prefer to send household appliances as gifts. To conclude, Chinese are more willing to send necessities as gifts.

  3.From my point of view, red envelope seems to be one of the special gifts in China. Every time when we celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year, the elder would give red envelope to kids. Usually, within these red envelopes is money, ranging from 100 RMB to several thousand RMB. This money is called lucky money. The elder hopes the luck money can bless the kids have a lucky, happy new year.

  4.In the past, like my parents, usually sent health products to the old as gifts. In their view, these products did good to people’s health. However, notion of health has undergone great changes. People start to recognize that most of these products exaggerated their pesticide effect and some of them even have many side effects. As a result, nowadays people send other kinds of things such as fruits, cookies or household appliances as gifts.

  5.I would give presents to him/her when he she celebrate for birthdays or for some other important events. For example, when he/she graduates from university, I would send him/her a business suit as presents. You know, after graduation, he/she has to look for a job and take lots of interviews. A business suit is necessary for interviews, which might leave employers good impression of the interviewers.

  6.It depends on who send me this expensive gift. If one of my friend, not a close friend, send me an expensive gift, I would feel a little bit nervous. And maybe later, I would send something back. However, if my parents send me a MacBook, I will not feel a great burden. You know, in Chinese cultural, how much expensive gifts you send depends on the relationship between you and the receiver. Too much or too less are both improper.


  1.Is it good for children to take part in the teamwork?

  2.Is a leader important for teamwork?

  3.What are the disadvantages of teamwork?

  4.Which one do you prefer, project-based teamwork or function based teamwork?

  5.What is necessary for people to be good team members (not leader)?

  Sample answers:

  1.Yeah, I think so. Children cannot always work alone and many tasks and projects can only be accomplished through collective efforts. Also, in the future, no matter in their college life or in their career, they may be required to work in a team. But, the problem is that children tend to be more self-centered than adults and when they are very little kids, they usually do not know how to cooperate with others. So, if chances are provided, children should take part in the teamwork, trying to help each other, figure out solutions and improve their cooperation skills.

  2.Yeah, of course. There should be someone to make final decisions and lead the team in the right directions. Although teamwork does have the advantages like less individual responsibility, less workload and so on, it does have the problems that some thoughts might conflict with others. The whole project may reach a plateau. If a leader is elected, he/she can make decision to take whose ideas, eliminating the conflicts.

  3.In teamwork, it is hard to allocate the tasks equally to everyone. Some team members may feel unfair. For example, to writing a research paper, a team member may be responsible for collecting related information; another team member may be assigned to do some experiments. It is likely that collecting information is very difficult, while finishing the experiments is comparatively easier. So the one who searches for information may feel unfair.

  4.I prefer function based teamwork. You know, in a function based team, everyone’s duty is clear-cut. Many redundancy can be reduced in this way. For example, in the app team, there might be 2 Android engineers, 2 IOS engineers, 1 project manager and 1 editor. According the titles of these positions, you can see that this is a function based team. I think less redundancy means higher working efficiency.

  5.I think a good team member should have strong sense of responsibility. He or she has to make every efforts to accomplish his or her duties with high efficiency and quality. Thus, the leader doesn’t need to spend too much time on supervising his/her team members, taking more time to make important decisions and formulate blueprint for new projects. Thus, the whole team’s performance can be greatly enhanced.





